Midday Sonata

Photo by Miguel Dominguez on Unsplash

Tan tan tantantan…
Tan tan tan tatatan…

The piano keys weigh on my brain
The soundwaves reach my eardrums
Dum dum dudumdum…

Pounding, pounding
My heart goes
Bum bum bubumbum…

I look around
The cat’s eyes shine a light
Kaleidoscopic stars
The lighthouse of the night

Rhymes, rhymes
Oh silly rhymes
Dim didim badibum…

Writing for writing is not art
A keynote is not music

Mydas touch on your pen
Lines on paper torn

I want to write as Lang brings us heaven
Elegant waves cutting air
Flow, flow
Pim pipim pipimpim…

Will I ever be
the best version of me?

© Barbara Perrupato 2023. All Rights Reserved.



Barbara Perrupato

Swiftie, book lover and enthusiast writer. I write when I am inspired, spilling my insides to the outside world.