"Do you have siblings?" — the ghost of my unborn kins

This dreadful question has haunted every social interaction I had. I am not a bad person for being an only child.

Barbara Perrupato
6 min readNov 1, 2023
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Who knows if it was a conscious decision? Maybe it was destiny. It does not matter whose "fault" it was. The facts are: I am an only child and I have been shamed for it my whole life.

Early on, it used to make me angry. I could not understand why people were so quick to point out how "awful" my life would be just because of a lack of a sibling.

Later, I felt lonely and judged. Yes, I would never experience the love and connection many families have. But they would also never understand the journey of growing up alone. And yes, it can be a hell of a fun one!

Hide & Seek: a chasing game

Throughout my 26 years of life so far, I have dreaded the first interactions with a new acquaintance. It is a matter of time, but eventually, the question will be posed: “Do you have siblings?”.

To defeat my social enemy, I developed strategies. This is a list of (non-exhaustive) actions I tried to avoid the monster:

  • Smile and nod;
  • Ask to repeat the question 10x. They tend to give up;



Barbara Perrupato

Swiftie, book lover and enthusiast writer. I write when I am inspired, spilling my insides to the outside world.